Sunday 16 August 2015

Has it really been a year?!

Um... Oops?

Okay so I should probably explain where the hell I've been for a year, the honest answer is that I've been busy... Like in real life and stuff, therefore I couldn't really write about K-Pop obsessively like I used to. However that doesn't explain why I haven't been able to write at all for a year and honestly it was more or less to do with the fact that for the longest I lost the inspiration to write about K-Pop and even fell out of favour with it for a bit too.

The Ladies Code thing hit me hard and I sort of went into a bit of a funk with K-Pop and I felt like whatever I wrote wasn't good enough... I had a whole piece about Red Velvet and my first impression of them and everything.

(The joke about Joy looking like a chipmunk was admittedly good too but I digress--)

I decided that for a while I wanted to be a fan again, to remind myself of why I even liked this crazy world of "unnirs" and "oppars" in the first place, to take a step back and take it all in before I add in my two cents.

This blog is a side hobby for me, but I recognize that there are people reading (all twenty of you) and I respect and appreciate every single one of y'all for enjoying my little quips about what goes on in the K-Pop world.

Anyway long story short, I'm back, maybe not forever but for a decent amount of time.

And to thank you for reading through all this sappy crap here's some pictures of the bae, Eunsol.

Yeah I don't know what it has to do with anything either, but apparently I used to do this... a lot.


  1. Welcome back!! We have missed you. Tough that you're still feeling down after the Ladies Code accident. I hope you're starting to feel a bit better at least.

  2. Stick around a bit won't you.
