Tuesday 25 February 2014

SNSD Mr Mr (EP) Review


Forgive my excitement but I've been waiting for so long for them to come back with a Korean release and from the teaser my appetite was satiating so badly... Now after listening to the EP? My appetite was whet beautifully... This EP was beautifully diverse and produced to an excellent level... But allow me to go into detail for this one.

Mr. Mr

The title track of every album from any K-Pop usually gets slated in favour of another track on the Album/EP but that can be thrown out of the window here. Not to say that this is the best song on the EP, but this song is beautifully arranged and worthy of Title Track status.

The composition as a whole is nicely layered and held together with distorted bass synths and the best kick I've heard in an SNSD song in ages. The EDM elements perfectly accentuate the sassy yet pop-like nature of this song and a juicy tune is squeezed from the concoction of the two.

The verse is very fierce and has such great presence, the production shines here while SNSD takes a backseat. What I love about the chorus is that it has elements of old school SNSD mixed with Disco. A lot of SNSD's discography pre-2011 had a verse to chorus progression similar to the one found here and it just feels nostalgic yet modern at the same time.

Props to Underdogs here, they did an awesome job and I sincerely hope they work with SM more often, because I'd rather have SNSD sing songs like these than whatever the hell Yoo Young Jin farts out these days.

The only problem that while this song is amazing and even gives off similar vibes to "Trick" the main issue is that it just feels so underwhelming in comparison to every other title track SNSD has released... Even Hoot has more impact here.

Of course this is partially due to the fact that on every single SNSD title track, the girls took front seat, this is the first time that the production has lead the group and not the other way around. The song is great but because of this factor it just feels so tame and I still feel as if more could've been done especially from what I heard in the teaser, I thought it was gonna be a bit more hard hitting than it ended up being.

Still a very good song though... Oh and yeah...


Score: 4/5


This is the song that everyone is saying should be the title track... I want to agree but then I don't want to agree either.

This is a great song and the use of cymbals is rare in this genre but appreciated here, the whole feel of this song is so nice and has a really pop band feel.

The bass is beautifully rich and accentuates the subtle drum beat and gives the track such presence, the vocals are very soft here again and the production takes a front seat again, but the ad-libs are very much appreciated here and treated very nicely... Subtle reverb permeates through the beat and--

Fuck it, Tiffany's voice is making me melt... STOP RUINING MY BIAS LIST DAMN IT!!

*ahem* I apologize for that.

Anyway my point is that this song is very nice and has such an easy listening feel to it, but that is part of the reason it would never succeed as a title track, most K-Pop releases that have this sort of feel don't usually succeed in the charts.

I mean if we compare the likes of Time Machine to Flower Power we'd be able to see a huge difference in success? Not convinced?

How about My Oh My with Galaxy Supernova?

Baby Baby with Gee? Now you see my point...

Musically this is an excellent piece of work but in terms of commercially, even with SNSD's name on it, it wouldn't be that successful... Or at least as successful as a song like Mr. Mr will be.

Score: 4/5


Oh hi there 007 Sound System!

But in all seriousness such a disco-pop feel from some of these songs, a nice mid-tempo dance track and a really upbeat feel that just makes you wanna jump out of your chair and dance!

The instrumentation and the vocals are sharing the same stage for once and they are sharing well, the vocals
are prominent enough to have some presence and yet they aren't overbearing. What I really like about this EP is the focus on production, there is actually some care being put into where the synths go and the levels, this actually sounds amazing and I love this direction SNSD is going with their musicality.

I don't really have much to write here except for maybe the underwhelming nature of the songs so far, nothing is truly hitting me (apart from Tiffany slaying errythang with her new and improved vocals) and it's a shame because everything is well produced but it just lacks impact.

Score: 4/5

Wait a Minute

This song starts off quite nicely and gets you right in the mood for some bubblegum-pop, and then the ever-so-familiar Skrillex-esque kicks come in and you know that the beat is gonna be hella nice.

However the same problem persists, the production value is brilliant and well-executed, the vocals even have more prominence and you can hear the members singing their hearts out, but the main issue is just there is such a severe lack of impact that it is almost frustrating.

I thought this would be the song to make me go "Wait A Minute" but instead I ended up waiting more than a minute for the song to build up and knock me off my feet, and it never happened. Even with the key change and Taeyeon coming out of her shell and Tiffany... Well you know the story by now, or at least you should've done from Galaxy Supernova.

Alas, this song could've been more, all of these could, but for what it was it is still a really good song, it just lacks oomph.

Score: 4/5


Oh geez a ballad... Just when I wanted some impact. Sigh....

This ballad is beautifully done so I can't complain, the acoustic guitar gets me giddy inside and the way it forms to the beat is just a testament to how beautifully arranged this song is. Everything is layered amazingly even the harmonies and the oohs in the background and how they melt into the Pads in the background.

Oh and Sunny is gonna kill me one day, I swear... I am way too young to be getting diabetes from the sweetness of her voice.

Overall this is a song to enjoy if you want warm and fuzzy feelings inside, nicely layered composition or if you just want a song that would be perfect for a Drama OST.

I can totally envision this in "You Who Came From The Stars".

Score: 4/5



Parts of this remind me of History by EXO, but don't tell an Exotic I said that.

The funkiness of this electric guitar is driving me nuts and the production is very nice, but SNSD is taking over this one, ironically enough this is the only song on the EP that SNSD has in the front seat.

Seriously though when I heard this song, my eyes lit up and honestly this song could compete with "Trick", "Way To Go" and "My Best Friend" as my favourite SNSD song of all time. The diversity of SNSD's musicality is displayed here and the breakdown had me in tears of joy, this song is just amazing!

Hyoyeon and Tiffany/Yuri (not sure who) killed the track with their rapping, honestly they are ready to take this whole rap thing seriously now and I can see them succeeding in that element and I think I finally figured out the reason why Tiffany and Jessica were holding it down on the vocal front for most of the EP and why Taeyeon was in her shell for most of it.

Did you hear her on this song? Queen Taeyeon was slaying bitches left, right and centre with her vocals here!

Sorry for any professionalism going out of the window here, but that's how amazing this song was... Now this song could've been the title track and I wouldn't complain, in fact I would support it fully and buy that shit from Yes Asia without fail! XD

Score: 1000000/5 5/5

Overall: 4/5

Great stuff from SNSD and hopefully they'll do even better with their next Album/EP! Can't wait for the MV now!

Oh and remember, it's good to be dense but bad to be stupid.

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