Friday 18 April 2014


This isn't gonna be some highly decorated blog entry filled with hilarious one-liners or snippy quips inspired by my somewhat british sense of humour (except the somewhat bitter one here or there)... Otherwise, this is a serious post.

I apologize in advance if this ruins your day.

First off let me say that things like this--

 And this--

And finally some of these...

Make me question the humanity of people in general.

Fair enough they could either be trolls or really fucking ignorant (which pretty much amounts to the same thing actually) but to attempt to make light of a tragedy under any circumstance is disgusting.

People as young as SIX FUCKING YEARS OF AGE, died on that boat. Some of them even gave their own lives to ensure that others could survive, they are the true heroes, and you absolute wastes of sperm could give a fuck about any of that and would rather see an EXO comeback...

Fuck EXO! There I said it, fuck them to hell. Fuck EXO, Fuck SM and Fuck K-Pop!

Think about the families that are suffering throughout this ordeal, because parents are losing sons and daughters and sisters are losing brothers, families are being torn apart and this wasn't just due to some freak accident either... Remember what the saying about a "Captain going down with his ship"?

Guess what this cowardly cunt does...

The "villain" of this story.
"The captain of the Sewol ship, Lee Joonseok (aged 60), reportedly told all passengers to remain where they were and did not notify them to escape or put on life jackets while the ship had been capsizing. Furthermore, a picture of the captain escaping from the capsizing ship first had been revealed, angering many viewers and especially the families of the victims. According to the Korean Seafarers Act, Article 10, “A captain shall not leave his/her ship from the time cargoes are loaded and passengers start to go on board until the time all cargoes are unloaded from his/her ship and all passengers leave his/her ship: Provided, That except for cases where there is a special reason that he/she should not leave his/her ship, such as abnormal weather conditions, etc., this shall not apply to cases where he/she has appointed a person who is to perform his/her duties on his/her behalf from among officers.” The captain of this ship, however, was one of the first to escape from the ship without having notified his passengers of the situation, or having told them to escape to safety."

So basically, he hauled ass and bailed without telling a soul that the ship was sinking.

Hell isn't bad enough for a piece of trash like him... It disgusts me, and I ain't even going into the whole argument about his age against the young students that died thing. Just the fact that he DIDN'T FUCKING TELL ANYONE THAT HIS SHIP WAS GOING TO SINK!

The captain of the Titanic at least had the decency to do that much. This shitstain on the other hand, well you know what happened.

But it gets even worse than that... People in Korea have actually been trolling about the incident.

You heard me, people in KOREA.

This guy's name is Heo Jae Hyuk (known by his "friends" as Senor Doucheface) he apparently works as a "model" and he decided to upload a picture of himself in a bathtub drowning (which I was hoping would actually happen to him) copped out in all-black... Oh and he posted this less than a day after Sewol sank.

Charming fellow isn't he?

Here's another entry in this gallery of idiots.

"Out of all the messages that have surfaced online, two have been confirmed to be fake; made by an elementary child in 5th grade in some school at Gimpo. One of the text messages read “My phone won’t catch any signals so I can’t even call or text. This is a group message. I’m in the ship and there are people here but I can’t see anything. There are a few boys here and some girls are crying. I’m not dead yet please tell everyone there are people inside”. This message was uploaded on KakaoStory on the 16th of April at around 11:10 pm KST, found by a citizen of Paju, and reported to the police immediately. Another message from an alleged survivor of the ship had been uploaded on some SNS platform, in which it said “I don’t have a Twitter ID so I’m posting it as a reply. I don’t have much data. I’m **** Lee in the 2nd grade of Danwon High School. I am near the stern of the ship and I’m scared the glass is going to break. I’m scared, isn’t anyone going to come to and rescue us? I can only write replies to these posts”. However this, too, was investigated and found that the ID of the person who wrote this message did not match the information given, but they are still investigating the truth behind this message. Furthermore, messages of a ‘survival list’ had been forwarded to parents of children stuck in the capsized boat, and has been uploaded on to Facebook and other SNS platforms, and is going viral. However it was revealed that this message had not been sent by an official government authorities, nor had any authorities issued such messages."

If anyone says kids will be kids after hearing about this, I will legitimately track them down and beat the shit out of them until they are comatose.

The fuck is wrong with humanity nowadays? When people heard about the Concentration Camps or the Titanic for the first time, where there reactions like this?

Granted some of us (me included actually) do take the piss out of them now, partially due to the fact that when they happened it was many years before I was born, but to do it whilst the family are still grieving, within DAYS of it happening as well.

Of course I guarantee you a concern troll is gonna be like "what about the children in Africa?".

Funnily enough, before writing this, I didn't actually know this existed.
Fuck the children in Africa... is what I would say if I was a heartless asshole like you, because that's what your saying to the people that suffered through Sewol.

Imagine that, someone is trying to trivialize a tragedy on the basis of many other people dying elsewhere, a tragedy is a tragedy regardless of location or tragedy and we aren't the ones turning a blind eye to it the leaders of their countries are, what do you want us to do, donate to a charity that gives the money TO THE LEADERS OF THESE COUNTRIES so that we can line their pockets with more gold?

Fuck that, I would rather help out somewhere that I know my aid is going to do something to compensate the loss these people felt.

Furthermore this is a "greater" tragedy because of the fact that it was caused by an accident and then it was made even more tragic due to the absolute negligence of a cowardly captain.

 So don't start preaching to me about who I should grieve for, when you are on your fucking blog talking down to people and I guarantee you that you have not done any missionary work in Africa and instead you're just sitting on your arse donating £2 a month to *insert African dictator here*.

So fuck you very much humanity for ruining whatever faith I had left in you.


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