Thursday 2 January 2014

Sooyoung now?

My bias T^T
But in all seriousness, I just posted an article about freaking Yoona, then I hear some news about Sooyoung supporting Yoona in her relationship, and now this?

Freaking hell, SNSD are getting mad publicity for this shit and just in time for their comeback... too.


Now I imagine that Hyoyeon is going to be the next to confirm her relationship, followed by Tiffany and maybe Taeyeon... (or maybe TaeNy is real and they've feeding each other dildos since pre-debut).

Seriously though, this is great news for the independence of SNSD now, because they can finally tell the world they have boyfriends and stop the rabid fanboys from jerking off at the "chance" at having their own Soshi.

Back to the matter at hand, her taste in men is a bit poor, don't you think? I mean she has a pick of the litter and she picked that guy?

Maybe it's just me (being a hypocrite to an earlier post about looks not making a difference) but I personally don't think they match well based on how they look together and whatever straws I can pull from my ass about their personalities.

But honestly, I wish them the best of luck and hopefully they can go somewhere with their relationship!

And now to introduce a new feature, the I Got A Boy Chart!

Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, Seohyun.

(Strikethrough indicates that they've been confirmed to have got their boy).

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