Wednesday 3 September 2014


It's been a while since I've written anything on this blog... I didn't even think to say I was going on hiatus, but due to how small time this blog is, I didn't think anyone cared.

However that's not relevant right now, what is relevant is that I didn't want to write this article because quite frankly I shouldn't be... and it is really upsetting that I am.

Most of the time my tributes towards individual idols take a comical or light-hearted approach, however this post is dedicated to EunB, her family and friends and the rest of Ladies Code who are also going through an awful time right now as well.

This time period is filled with grief and stress for everyone in the K-Pop world right now.

Fingers are being pointed, speculations are being made and condolences are being given, but the main thing that some of us fail to realize (especially the people that are going around saying "thank goodness it wasn't my oppa", which I will address in another article at a later point) is that this girl was aged 21 when she died, a year older than me.

Where I'm from, I am considered a young adult with my whole life ahead of me, job prospects, a career, eventually settling down to have a family or a retirement plan is what I look forward to. In the case of Eunbi, after she was done with the idol life she probably wanted to settle down eventually and start a family of her own too (a tad speculative on my part, but I digress).

When I heard this news, I instantly thought of how her family and friends must be feeling, I thought of how her mother would be feeling at this moment, to lose her daughter at such a tender age with a promising career ahead of her. Then I thought of how my mom would've felt if that had happened to me and for the first time in a while, a tear dropped down my eye.

I started watching LC video after LC video and I could see behind the glitz and the glam that EunB was living her dream and she was genuinely happy and grateful for every chance and opportunity she got. I could see how hard she worked for to get to the level of ability she had and how determined she was to get better each and every time.

To be fair though, I'm only making this analysis from the screen on a busted up phone but I'm pretty sure every K-Pop fan around the world and everyone that knew her would agree with me. It is true what they say, the good die young.

Eunbi, if you are reading this from heaven and every other tweet or blog or article dedicated to this movement, I sincerely hope you've seen your dream come true... You've done it, Ladies Code are finally number one.

Support #RIPEunB by purchasing "I'm Fine Thank You" by Ladies Code.

It's a beautiful song with a fitting message and if not to help out Ladies Code financially, at least to help grant EunB's last wish. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. You're wrong, I missed the posts.

    Great article, great words. I wasn't familiar with LC, but this news has hit me like a ton of bricks. I'll be sure to check out their videos.
