Saturday 26 April 2014

Taemin's audition for the Korean Olympic 100m Team.

'Nuff fucking said. The title of the video says it all really...

... Oh you want me to talk about this? Fine.

So in a nutshell, the story goes like this.

EXO Sasaengs were in the area because Taemin was spotted with Super Saiyan Kai.

Using baseball caps and glasses to hide their power level... Unfortunately Sasaengs have scouters now.

Thus of course leading Sasaengs to do what they do best and chase the fuck out of their oppas, as seen in the video above...

What makes this story interesting is the fact that the person who filmed that video was a Sasaeng herself and had this to say...

So not only is she possibly homophobic (or possibly a fetishist for apparently gay idols making out, who knows with these girls), she wants to show Taemin the power of fangirls chasing their idols...


I honestly hope that the Korean Government see this video and get the message that these idols need to be protected, they need an anti-sasaeng fan law put in place to stop these bitches doing shit like this, or even worse...

Does someone have to get seriously injured or even die before they get that message? I seriously hope not.


  1. K-Pop idols are treated as if they live in an orphanage, only more famous O_O.
