Wednesday 23 April 2014

Psycho Bitch Entry Two - Hong Ga Hye

On the previous installment of "Psycho Bitch" we talked about the fictional Kim Yeoshin, the alleged idol-killer...

Unfortunately, our next entry (and hopefully our last) is real. Allow me to introduce to you, the face of pure evil and several mental disorders.

More after the break--

Now let me tell ya'll about this bitch.

Asian Junkie did an article about the seven lies she's told, so I'm not gonna go that route... Instead I'll make this brief and relevant to the Sewol incident.

Just when I thought I've said "Fuck" enough times in a blog entry to express my outrage towards the Sewol situation and all of the circumstances behind it, this bitch goes ahead and does this--

"A woman going by the name Hong Ga Hye told MBN news that she was with the volunteer divers aiding in the rescue. She then went on to say that although the volunteer divers were ready to do their best to help, they were actually told by the maritime police to just kill time and were even blocked from trying to help.

She also said that unlike how it’s being reported, there is no equipment or personnel being recruited for the rescue effort and that some of the wild rumors circulating on the internet are in fact true. She claimed that the volunteers could hear people talking within the ship and that they even conversed with those inside the ship. However she says the maritime police are preventing the divers from carrying out rescue efforts and refuse to tell them anything."

MBN got called out for this bullshit being put out there and almost immediately apologized and "reflected" on their actions... Meanwhile this bitch hands herself in after the police put out a warrant for her arrest, but we all know that after she gives them a mean tuggie and some good dome to go with it, she'll get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

If you didn't understand that, basically I'm saying that she's gonna get bail if there's cum to inhale, and if you still didn't get it? Then fuck you.

This bitch has basically toyed with the emotions of grieving families by putting out slanderous lies and accusations towards the only people in Korea with the cajones to dive into sub-zero waters and wade through a crowd of corpses in the vain hope that they'll find someone alive...

That is beyond sociopathically maligned, this is pure psychosis driving her completely idiotic actions, this PSYCHO bitch needs to be locked away for her own health.

At the very least I hope it is psychosis because then there is some validity as to why she would do such a thing... It doesn't make it completely valid or even right, but at least she has some sort of alibi (that is not 3 inches long, phallus-shaped and stuck to the pelvis of a fifty-something year old police officer).

However if it is not psychosis, then the bitch better ready for the wrath and fury of all of Korea and hopefully this time she will get decent time... The captain got five years, so the least we could hope for is two right?

But as long as she is proven otherwise... She will forever be on the TDO Archives as a--


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