Saturday 12 April 2014

It's like taking candy from a fangirl.

Unless Jonghyun is wearing nail varnish, which I highly doubt, then your package just got jacked.
So apparently MBC staff also work as mail-interceptors which is, you know, a felony in some parts of the world?

But hey, it's only a fangirl, no one's gonna care right?

Here's why that line of thinking would be wrong, after the break...

Firstly some exposition, this fangirl from Poland sent a package filled with sweets and jelly from her home country for SHINee's Jonghyun (who is notoriously outspoken when unjust bullshit happens, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there).

However instead of sending it to somewhere like his home address, SM Entertainment's headquarters or even anything pertaining to somewhere that Jonghyun would be more likely to be (his local strip club for example) she sends it to MBC under the impression that because he's a radio DJ there, they would pass it along to him.

Fair enough, that's not the worst idea in the world, but it isn't exactly--

But my issue doesn't lie with the fangirl, I'm placing the blame mostly on the asshole that posted this...

“In Poland, SHINee Jonghyun’s fan sent a whole bunch of snacks to MBC. That innocent fan probably thought that it would be delivered to Jonghyun if she wrote .
Unfortunately, the carefully wrapped present was delivered to our general manager who shares the same name as Jonghyun and the snacks went into the stomach of not Jonghyun but our scriptwriters…
To the Poland girl who probably feels more regretful than getting on the wrong bus, I’d like to say that we enjoyed the treats.”

That was my face when I read all of that trite bullshit that they all clearly procured from a Baboon's anus.

Look, let's be real... nine times out of ten, an idol will never actually open the package they get from their fans especially if they are from a really popular group, a la SHINee. Funnily enough, the few times that they do get through, it's in more of a Kim Yeoshin, uber level Sasaeng, "I'm gonna write a love letter from my Period Blood" sort of variety... Which really makes me question life, you know?

But see now, fangirls never actually know this or figure that aspect out because they are too busy fawning over the chance of being "closer to oppa" even though he doesn't quite share your love for Jelly Babies and Chocolate Chip cookies.

However, this scriptwriter-noona (whoever the fuck she is) did an absolute bitch move by making this public because now not only does Jonghyun (who will call out this bullshit somehow, he's done it before), the fandom, and various media outlets know that you've done this, but now the fangirl has found out about it as well.

Fangirls never want to find out that oppa didn't receive their gift and she better be thankful that it wasn't an EXO member, Exotics would not stop until her head was planted firmly on a stick.

Fortunately, this fangirl took it on the double-chin.

I want to feel sorry for her, I do... But it was partially her fault for sending it to MBC of all places.

But it was a serious dick move from the scriptwriter, why did she even do it anyway? What would she gain from posting it publicly, and was she that hungry that she went ahead and ate the food? Do they not get paid enough at MBC? (Actually, that might be valid, judging by their Gayo Daejun this year in comparison to the years beforehand, budget may be getting cut).

Either way, seriously stupid scenario that could be avoided if this person thought with her brain instead of her stomach.

1 comment:

  1. It seems a bit odd for her to send it to MBC. However I'm glad that she didn't make too big of a deal about it, the script writers were kind of being assholes about the whole thing.

    I find that netizens on forums and youtube make the most uncomfortable comments ever! I like the Exotics and other fans on Tumblr and somewhat twitter, because majority of them (the ones I follow at least) are very sweet, funny, and cool about situations than others that are on other forums.
