Saturday 22 March 2014

The Woes of a Sooyoungster

In case you haven't realized by now... I'm a Sooyoung fan.

Here's the downside to being a Sooyoung fan though... everyone considers her the weakest link in SNSD.

They say she's an average dancer, a horrid rapper, a mediocre singer and an okay actress... All of these things are regrettably true.

They  also say she has about as much curve as a pillar and that Jung Kyung Ho is probably better off fucking an Iron Board than getting anal from her... Despite the fact that I have a theory that Sooyoung would be a specialist at Enemas, they have a horribly misguided but valid point.

Heck, they even go as far to say that there are almost no redeeming qualities about Sooyoung at all and that she is a talentless void filling up a place where a more talented idol could've been and SNSD would be infinitely better without her... Completely harsh as well as misguided but again you wouldn't be wrong.

The part that I can't agree with is when people turn around and say that those reasons above should be the reason why we should stop stanning Sooyoung and find a more "useful" idol to stan.

My response?

Everyone has a fave for a different reason, perhaps they are enamored with their singing voice... Fair enough.

Maybe they like their looks, again it's valid.

But straight up telling someone, fuck what you think, your idol is shit and you should stan a new one is sort of stupid if you ask me...

The reason that idol is their bias is probably due to the fact that they like whatever patchetic crumbs they can gather from their idol's personality... kinda like me and why I like Sooyoung, because she's awesome at variety and speaks Japanese fluently, pure waifu material right there.

I guess the reason why I'm bringing this up is because it happens a lot to Sooyoung fans and I've experienced it as one...

Or maybe the whole reason I did this article was to post Sooyoung pictures. Actually, that was the reason... Sue me.

Sooyoung pics inbound!

When will your faves? (Feels so weird saying it).


  1. It happens to anyone who has ever had an idol bias. You like Taeyeon (who's talented too) well she's "racist." You like Yuri, she's too dark. You like Onew, he's too ugly. People will make up whatever bullshit to "prove" their idol is the best, and it just prove that their hatred is not worthy of your time. I agree when Kpopalypse said "I don't think people should tell me that I shouldn't listen to Bom just because there is also Ailee." I don't see anything wrong with supporting your bias, intact, supporting your bias is a good thing.

    Sooyoung is my favorite member after Yuri with Hyoyeon and Sunny right after. I think Sooyoung is one of the prettiest members in all honesty, she's a great dancer and the underdogs of SNSD can carry a tune far more than SM alows them to. Oh, and Sooyoung was on The Independent Critics List of "100 Most Beautiful Faces" so that should tell you that she's not all hated :)

    1. You're completely right about that actually! XD
