Sunday 29 December 2013

Wassup's "Jingle Bell" review.

I usually like Wassup, I just think that they are talented but really unfortunate girls for the gimmick they are stuck with and I enjoy their dancehall routines very much, because they portray it rather accurately for a Korean girl group.

But then they release shit like this for Christmas...

And then I genuinely hope that every thing horrible that happens to them, stays that way.

This reminds me of Daphne and Celeste and I swear to you that it isn't a good thing that it does, however let's talk about the good points before the bad...

The first good point? Nari.

The hair, the style, the attitude... DAT LIP BITING!!!

She made this worth watching for about a couple of seconds... Furthermore, whoever the main vocalist is actually not bad at singing at all, with a bit more development she could make an impact on the really lacking discography of Wassup.

Now the bad points...

Everything else in this goddawful MV.

The Santa Twerk was cringey as all fuck and made me want to gouge out my eyes and pour bath salts into the eye sockets just to cleanse my brain. The chorus screams Crayon Pop which is a bad thing because they sure as hell weren't going for aegyo and the singing was pitchy as all fuck and the beat was fucking plain.

I don't even wanna go into it too much, but the video is fappable if you mute it (which is the case for most K-Pop songs nowadays) just don't expect a musical masterpiece because it is really fucking bad.

(EDIT: This post was supposed to come up earlier, but I went to visit my relatives and I had no means of getting to my laptop, sorry about that...)

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