Sunday 29 December 2013

Wassup's "Jingle Bell" review.

I usually like Wassup, I just think that they are talented but really unfortunate girls for the gimmick they are stuck with and I enjoy their dancehall routines very much, because they portray it rather accurately for a Korean girl group.

But then they release shit like this for Christmas...

And then I genuinely hope that every thing horrible that happens to them, stays that way.

Thursday 26 December 2013

The Future of SNSD

OT9... Looking fine.
Now while writing the Marchen Fantasy article, I was inspired to do an editorial on SNSD's future as idols in the industry, because I always felt like it was an interesting topic to discuss, but in order to do this we need to start from the beginning.

SNSD Marchen Fantasy Solo Performances Review

To those of you who don't know... I'm a Sone.

However I'm not a delulu, nor am I one of those sones who is completely into SNSD and tracks their every move and what they do. Quite frankly I think I'm more into SPICA and SHINee.

This concert however has stuff like this...


Wednesday 25 December 2013

The Dense One Reviews: "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Bom and Lee Hi

The true faces of pure evil...
So in lieu of the fact that I could easily shit on this song on my other blog, I decided to do it on this one because I generally don't like being that negative about things on the Album Review Blog. As well as the fact that dedicating an article to one MV (especially as crappy as this one) on what is initially meant to be an album review site is pretty piss-poor.

So without further ado, I go ahead and subject myself to ear torture, I hope you are proud of yourself YG...

--More after the break--