Wednesday 26 February 2014

2NE1 Crush Album Review

2NE1 is back, yay!

Now amidst this whole Sone vs Blackjack war going on, you'd think I wouldn't do a fair review for 2NE1's album right? Dead wrong.

The thing is music is music regardless of who it comes from, SNSD have released shitty songs before (I Got A Boy) and I've called them out on it before. Conversely 2NE1 have released very nice songs (Do You Love Me, Missing You and Clap Your Hands) that I have enjoyed and praised before.

So with that in mind, this review is completely fair and unbiased and I hope you'll keep that in mind.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Sexy Time With Yubin

Now for something different... Every Wednesday, I'm gonna pick an idol I really like and post some of their most photogenic pictures just for kicks.

Who knows... I may even take requests! :P

The first entry is gonna be my second all time favourite female idol... Yubin from Wonder Girls!

SNSD Mr Mr (EP) Review


Forgive my excitement but I've been waiting for so long for them to come back with a Korean release and from the teaser my appetite was satiating so badly... Now after listening to the EP? My appetite was whet beautifully... This EP was beautifully diverse and produced to an excellent level... But allow me to go into detail for this one.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Sunmi Full Moon (EP) Review

Remember her? She "released" a mini album today, and I got to check it out... So now I'm gonna do a review on it! :)